Jaipur: The Greater Municipal Corporation in Rajasthan's Jaipur on Monday sealed the Utkarsh Coaching Center after a gas leak left 10 students unconscious, the previous day. The incident triggered protests by student organisations, demanding strict safety measures and regular inspections of coaching institutes.
A team from the municipal corporation, police, and forensic science laboratory (FSL), today, inspected the building before the sealing. Authorities collected dust and sewage water samples for analysis. With tensions running high, most coaching centres in the Gopalpura Bypass area stayed shut on Monday as a precaution.
The incident occurred on Sunday, 15 December, during a Sanskrit class when students reported a strange smell in the room. As the odour intensified, several students began feeling unwell, and 10 of them fainted. They were rushed to a nearby hospital, where most were discharged the same night, though a few remained under treatment.
Student organisations allege that overcrowding and lax safety standards caused the situation. “Where there’s space for 200 students, they cram in 800,” said Nirmal Choudhary, a student leader. NSUI state president Vinod Jakhad criticised the unchecked operations of coaching centres, accusing them of charging hefty fees while ignoring safety norms.