Jammu: The Jammu and Kashmir police in the Kishtwar district have released pictures of four terrorists active in the area who are said to be responsible for the terror activities in the area including the killing of two Village Defence Guard (VDG) members.
Police have kept a reward of Rs 5 lakh on each terrorist and have promised to keep the name of the informer secret.
According to the police, the three terrorists whose pictures were released were identified as Saifullah, Farman and Adil whereas the fourth terrorist is unidentified.
Talking to ETV Bharat, SSP Kishtwar Javed Iqbal said that these terrorists are active in the Kishtwar district and they keep moving to the Doda and Anantnag districts.
Since the increase in the terror related incidents in Chenab Valley, these four terrorists are giving a tough time to the security forces as even during the extreme weather conditions, they continue to remain at large in the upper areas of these three districts.