Jaipur: Rajasthan BJP president and Rajya Sabha MP Madan Rathore has received a death threat over phone from an unidentified person on Friday. The accused was arrested some hours later from Anupgarh and has been found to be mentally unstable.
Earlier, Rathore lodged a police complaint in Delhi and also informed the Rajasthan DGP and chief secretary about the threat call.
Rathore, who is presently in the national capital to attend the Parliament session said the caller first abused him and then threatened to kill him. Based on his complaint, a case was registered at Parliament Street police station and investigations have been launched.
He wrote a letter to the Delhi Police Commissioner, complaining that during a public hearing on Friday morning, he received a call on his mobile from an unknown number. The caller insulted him and threatened to kill him, Rathore complained. Rathore has also informed the DGP and chief secretary of Rajasthan about the incident.
Following his complaint, Delhi's Parliament Street police station initiated a probe and examined the details of the phone number from which the threat call was received. Initially, it came to light that the threat call came from Bihar but later it was found that the call was made by a man from Anupgarh.