Ranchi: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's remark 'Bantenge to Katenge' has added fuel to the fire amid impending elections in various states and Jharkhand is not insulated from it. The communal speech has been vehemently censured by Congress while receiving a warm welcome from the BJP.
Jharkhand BJP spokesperson Animesh Kumar Singh said it was a far-reaching issue in the society. The most important thing is that Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has come in support of Adityanath to unite the society. All castes and communities of the country will have to unite to realise the long-cherished dream of BJP.
Retorting to the opposition's criticism, Kumar said people with negative mindsets had the knack of finding negativity in every matter.
"In the same way that if you wear black glasses, you will see black and if you wear white glasses, you will see white. The society must move forward with positive thinking," he said.
Jharkhand Congress spokesperson Rakesh Sinha slammed Yogi, saying BJP's comments were always directed at creating fissures in the society.