Patna:Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday inaugurated and laid foundation stones of multiple road and bridge projects of the state Rural Works Department (RWD) worth Rs 8,837.77 crore. The CM asked officials to ensure that priority is also given to the maintenance of rural roads, bridges or causeways in the state.
"With a view to improving rural connectivity, the CM on Friday virtually inaugurated and laid foundation stones of 6,199 projects of the RWD worth Rs 8,837.77 crore ", a statement issued by the Chief Minister's Office said.
"All roads and bridges of the RWD, for which foundation stones were laid, the CM directed officials to complete the projects on time and ensure that there should not be any compromise on the quality of works and materials. He also asked officials that all the roads and bridges which were inaugurated on Friday, should be inspected regularly and their continuous maintenance must be given the top priority", said the statement.
The event was organised at CM's official residence, 1 Anne Marg. The programme was attended by RWD minister, Ashok Choudhary, Chief Secretary, Amrit Lal Meena, Additional Chief Secretary of RWD, Dipak Kumar Singh, and several other senior officials of the state government.