Patna (Bihar): Rakesh Kumar, a native of Maloni Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal, embarked on a journey to Bihar in 2009 with hopes of securing employment opportunities. Youngest among three siblings, Kumar worked at a tea shop in Patna station for almost four years. However, his life took a distressing turn in 2011 when he was apprehended by Patna's Kotwali police under suspicion of involvement in criminal activities. He was freed on Thursday after the court dismissed the case due to lack of local witnesses.
Talking to ETV Bharat, Santosh Kumar, Rakesh's lawyer said, "In July 2011, Patna's Kotwali police intercepted a group of individuals near GPO Golambar, suspecting them of nefarious intentions. Among them was Rakesh, innocently going about his routine as a cup-plate washer at the tea shop. Despite having no involvement in any criminal activity, Rakesh was swept into custody, accused of being part of a purported criminal plot."
"In the ensuing legal ordeal, Rakesh was forced to stay in jail for nearly a decade, enduring the harsh reality of wrongful imprisonment. It wasn't until recently that justice prevailed and Rakesh was termed innocent and after almost 10 years he was released from Bewar Jail in Patna," Santosh added.