Gurazala: Residents of Gurazala and neighbouring villages in Andhra Pradesh were left in a state of fear after witnessing 17 cases of robberies unfold in just three hours on Tuesday night. An inter-state gang of burglars targeted several houses across four villages and looted cash, jewellery and other valuables, putting local police on toes.
The Spree: 17 Robberies In 3 Hours
On Sankranti, post midnight, the thieves managed to carry out robberies in 17 different locations across Gurazala, Pulipadu, Srinivasapuram, and Nadikudi villages - all places separated by a distance upto 7-12 kms, which indicates that the gang had done meticulous planning before going on a loot spree. Reportedly, distance between Gurajala and Pulipadu is 7 kms, Gurajala and Srinivasapuram is 12 kms; even to reach Nadikuli from Gurazala, one has to cover a distance of 12 kms by road.
Probe Suggests 'Organised Crime'
Preliminary investigations suggest that the gang is highly organised, comprising dozens of members. It is suspected that the burglars arrived from the Telangana border in heavy vehicles, separated in four groups and then travelled through villages on two-wheelers to execute the thefts.
The armed burglars broke into houses, and decamped with cash, jewelry and other valuables, leaving people terrified and helpless.
That a single gang is responsible for all the crimes became evident during probe when a handbag stolen from a lawyer’s house in Gurazala was found in a house in Nadikudi.
Meanwhile, locals questioned inability of police in controlling such crimes, and alleged that there was no patrolling in the area and the police teams also reached at the crime scenes very late. It is being said that many police personnel were on leave for Sankranti celebrations, and this absence jeopardised the safety and security of people in Gurazala sub-division.
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