Chennai:Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Friday inaugurated a 21-storey TIDEL Park in Pattabiram near Avadi, boosting growth in northern parts of Chennai along with creating employment opportunities for 6,000 professionals.
This is the third full-fledged TIDEL Park after Rajiv Gandhi Salai in Chennai and the one in Coimbatore. Spanning across a total area of 5.57 lakh square feet, the park has been set up at a cost of Rs 33 crore. It has round-the-clock electricity, a seminar hall, fitness centre, restaurants, parking space and a host of other facilities.
Taking to his X handle, Stalin lauded former CM M Karunanidhi, saying it was he who laid the foundation for the state's IT revolution by inaugurating the first TIDEL Park in Chennai in 2000.