Hyderabad (Telangana): On Tuesday, Kadamanchi Padma, 30, was washing clothes at the terrace of her house at village Gandhamguda Vidyanagar in Telangana capital Hyderabad when a stray bullet in her left ankle leaving her grievously injured. The bullet was not shot by an attacker but came from the nearby police shooting range.
The police shooting range is not the only trouble. Thousands of people in Gandhamguda and Bairagiguda twin villages of Gandipet mandal in Hyderabad live in constant fear of being shot by bullets from the police academy and army firing range located in the vicinity. Incidents of bullets entering the residences are reported every now and then causing extreme panic among the locals.
On the 13th of this month, a bullet entered the fifth floor of a building in Shivpuri Colony. Gandhamguda and Bairagiguda villages near the military training center and police academy were merged into Bandlaguda Jagir Municipality. Once barren areas, the twin villages are are now densely populated by residents with high-rise apartments coming up in recent years.
Missing The Target, Into The Settlements: