Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir): The Jammu and Kashmir administration, in its written response to the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh on Thursday, claimed that Hurriyat chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq is a "free man." The court, which was unable to hear the plea on Wednesday, had set the next hearing for March 14 due to time constraints.
Advocate NA Ronga explained, "The case (WP(C)/2400/2023) was not 'reached' by the Court of Justice Rajnesh Oswal due to the paucity of time today (Wednesday)," and as such, it is expected to provide directions in the matter during the upcoming hearing.
In his petition, Mirwaiz alleged house detention, claiming police and vehicular deployment outside his residence. Senior Additional Advocate General Mohsin Qadri contested these claims, asserting that Mirwaiz is a "free man" who routinely visits doctors, and relatives, and engages in religious activities.
Qadri refuted accusations of security forces' presence, stating it is "purely for safety and security" to thwart potential anti-national threats. In its detailed reply, the administration listed instances from February 6, 2023, when Mirwaiz left his residence for marriage ceremonies and family visits, as well as three Fridays attending prayers in September 2023 at Jamia Masjid. Qadri emphasised that Mirwaiz, a free man, is provided proper security when he chooses to go anywhere.