Bolpur (West Bengal):Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday accused Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh of killing migrant workers from West Bengal.
"Dead bodies are being sent to Bengal after killing them in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh," Banerjee made this explosive allegation after the administrative meeting in West Bengal's Birbhum district.
Expressing concern over the recent deaths of migrant workers, Banerjee said, "Body of a worker could not be brought to Malda as it was decapitated. Our government will give Rs 2 lakh to the families of deceased migrant workers. Money is not a big deal, money can't bring everything. But being there for the families is what's important," the chief minister said.
Banerjee reiterated that she would move against DVC, whom she blamed for the "man-made" floods and said that the Chief Engineer and Power Secretary have resigned from the DVC board.
Nearly 15 villages of Labhpur in Birbhum have been inundated due to the recent floods due to the breach of the dam of the Kuye river.