Bijapur: In a significant breakthrough, the security forces arrested four Naxalites during an anti-Naxal operation in the Bhairamgarh police station area in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur on Wednesday. The arrests were made near the forest of the Pondum village, where forces also recovered a large cache of explosives.
According to the police, the anti Naxalite operation led to the capture of Sukku Hapka alias Pullal alias Patel, Mannu Hapka, Lachhu Madvi, and Kosal Madvi alias Gulab. The arrested individuals have allegedly been active in the Bhairamgarh region and they used to hold many important positions within the Naxalite organisation for several years.
According to the police, Patel was acting as the head of the 'Jantana Sarkar' (people's government of the Maoists) under the Puladi Revolutionary People's Committee, while Kosal was its member. Mannu was the militia deputy commander and Lachchu was a militia member of the Puladi RPC.