Chandigarh:Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Friday assured full support and cooperation to Vardhman Special Steels Limited (VSSL) for setting up a special alloy steel manufacturing unit at a cost of Rs 1,750 crore. Mann, during a meeting with company's Vice Chairman and Managing Director Sachit Jain here at the chief minister's office said the state government is committed to giving major fillip to investment in Punjab.
Mann said it is heartening that VSSL is setting up a greenfield unit for manufacturing of special alloy steel through electric arc furnace route at a cost of Rs 1,750 crore. Mann, according to an official statement, said the project having installed capacity of 5 lakh TPA (tonne per annum) will be set up in collaboration with Aichi Steel Corporation, Japan.
The chief minister said the project is expected to give employment to over 1,500 people in the state and that the company will produce "green steel" from this plant. He said the project will generate major revenue for the state and the country as exports will be more than 20 per cent of the total volume to various Japanese/ European companies.