Seuri (West Bengal): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee levelled fresh allegations against the Centre. She complained that Aadhaar cards are being cancelled in several districts of the state."If the Centre cancels Aadhaar cards, no one will be deprived of government schemes as the beneficiaries can avail of the state government schemes without Aadhaar cards.
She fired a fresh salvo at the Central government on the CAA, Uniform Civil Code and the Aadhaar card cancellation process while speaking at a meeting in Seuri, Birbhum. The Chief Minister addressed a meeting at Chandmari ground in Siuri of Birbhum on Sunday. Earlier, she inaugurated a slew of development works and laid the foundation stones of projects.
Mamata accused the Centre of making several anti-people decisions. It may be noted that there have been complaints that the Aadhaar cards of many people are being cancelled in several places across the state. Based on complaints, Mamata lashed out at the Centre terming it an anti-people decision. She disclosed that many people from Jamalpur, Birbhum and Dinajpur complained about the cancellation of their Aadhaar cards.
"I am saying this in the presence of the Chief Secretary if you do not have an Aadhaar card, or it is cancelled, you will not be deprived of any government scheme. We will continue all the schemes," she assured. After that, Mamata Banerjee directed the Chief Secretary that an online portal should be opened to take complaints from those whose Aadhaar cards are being cancelled.
Read more:Mamata Slams BJP Over Farmers Protest; Claims Party Runs 'Govt Of Ravan' At Centre