Srinagar:The Jammu and Kashmir Police and the Indian Army gunned down three militants in the border district of Kupwara, the police confirmed on Thursday. While hailing the perfect synergy between the police and the Army, a senior police officer said, "A close vigil is being maintained, with a significant emphasis on developing human intelligence concerning infiltration attempts from the Line of Control (LOC) in Kupwara."
"Specific intelligence inputs were developed on August 27 (Tuesday) regarding simultaneous infiltration attempts from the Karnah and Kumkadi areas in the Machil sector. These inputs were promptly shared with the army units concerned, leading to the deployment of joint ambushes by the J&K Police and Army," the official said.
The official further said, "Suspicious movement was detected in the Kumkadi area around 7:30 pm on August 28 (Wednesday), which quickly escalated into an exchange of gunfire that lasted till the early hours of August 29 (today). Similarly, in the Karnah sector, suspicious activity was observed around 9 pm on Wednesday, leading to another prolonged gunfight that continued into the early morning of August 29 (today).
During search operations conducted at dawn in both locations, the security forces discovered two bodies at the Kumkadi encounter site and one body at the Karnah encounter site. All three militants were confirmed dead, the official added. According to the official, further search operations are going on and legal formalities are currently underway. This marks the sixth operation by the security forces in the Kupwara district this year, bringing the total number of militants killed in the district to 10—all of whom were identified as foreign militants.