New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate on Wednesday told the Supreme Court that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal led the investigating officer through his conduct "to form the satisfaction" that he is guilty of money laundering. In its reply affidavit to Kejriwal's petition challenging his arrest by the Enforcement Directorate (ED), the agency said the AAP leader was avoiding interrogation by not being present before the investigating officer despite nine summonses.
Reacting to the affidavit, AAP alleged the ED has become "a machine for telling lies". The ED said in its affidavit, "The accused, by his conduct, has himself contributed and aided the investigating officer regarding the existence of the necessity to arrest, apart from the material in possession of the IO, to form the satisfaction that the petitioner is guilty of the offence of money laundering."
Terming Kejriwal's petition challenging his arrest as "devoid of merit" and liable to be dismissed, the ED said the material that formed the basis for the satisfaction of the investigating officer for arresting him had been perused by different courts.
"Therefore, on this limited ground, the petition is devoid of merit and liable to be dismissed in limine second contention in this regard is that the material in possession of the investigating agency formed the basis for the investigating agency to arrive at the satisfaction requisite for arresting the accused person, having been seen and perused by three different judicial authorities (courts) at three different levels has found judicial imprimatur and the consequential denial to grant the relief asked for by the petitioner in connection with the same," it said.
The agency said Kejriwal's petition is not a plea seeking to be released on bail after completion of the investigation. Rather, it is an appeal against the rejection of a writ petition challenging the arrest during the pendency of the investigation when the prosecution complaint is yet to be filed.
"In this connection, it is submitted that the petitioner has been arrested bona fide and not for any mala fide or extraneous reasons. It is categorically denied that the arrest was mala fide. Regarding the contention pertaining to mala fide, it is submitted that not only the contentions of the petitioner is baseless and ill-founded but it is vague general and not specific," it said.
The arrest is part of the investigation, the ED said, adding that the investigation of an offence including arrest is a field exclusively reserved for the investigating agency. The ED arrested Kejriwal on March 21, hours after the Delhi High Court refused to grant him protection from coercive action by the federal anti-money laundering agency. He is currently lodged in Tihar jail under judicial custody.