Shimla:Himachal Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Sunday directed the officers of the forest department to ensure the safety of migratory birds from Siberia and Mongolia that flock to Pong Dam. Sukhu, who visited the Pong Dam in Kangra district for bird watching, also toured the ancient temples at the famous tourist site, Bathu-Ki-Lari. He highlighted the area's immense potential for tourism and emphasised the state's efforts to promote tourism in the region.
He noted that migratory birds from Siberia and Mongolia attract visitors from across the country to Pong Dam and directed the forest department to take necessary steps to protect these birds, according to a statement issued here. To improve tourist experience, two boats have already been deployed and two additional speedboats would soon be added. Basic facilities for tourists will also be developed in the area, he informed.
The number of migratory birds visiting Pong Dam has risen significantly this year, with 92,885 birds recorded by December 2024. The count is expected to exceed one lakh by the end of the season. A total of 85,000 birds visited the dam during the entire season from October 2023 to January 2024. On average, around 100 species of migratory birds visit Pong Dam annually and 85 species have already been observed this season.