Shimla:The Himachal Pradesh government has allocated Rs 85 crore for the procurement of 3T (3 Tesla) MRI machines to be installed in IGMC Shimla, Tanda Medical College and Nerchowk Medical College, Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said on Sunday. He said the 3T MRI machine is a state-of-the-art diagnostic tool, particularly useful for cases requiring precision and in-depth analysis.
"With the installation of these advanced MRI machines, diseases can be accurately diagnosed, facilitating better treatment for patients," he added. The CM said that to ensure improved treatment facilities within government health institutions, the state government would invest Rs 1,500 crore in the coming times to equip modern equipment.
"Currently, inadequate healthcare services in the state force 9.5 lakh residents to seek treatment outside Himachal Pradesh, leading to a GDP loss of Rs 1,350 crore" he said. Sukhu said the government was prioritising the installation of advanced medical equipment at all levels, including medical colleges. "Community Health Centers (CHCs) will be equipped with semi-automatic laboratories, ultrasound machines, and ICU facilities,” he said.