Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): Ishika Taneja, a former Miss World Tourism and actor, has chosen to leave behind the glitz of showbiz to embrace a spiritual path. On Tuesday, she took Guru Diksha under the guidance of Shankaracharya Swami Sadanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. Speaking on the occasion, Ishika urged today's youth to connect with religion and dedicate themselves to spiritual pursuits.
Ishika, who was crowned Miss World Tourism (India) in 2017 and received the title of Business Woman of the World during the pageant held in Melaka, Malaysia, has been known for her multifaceted achievements. She was also honoured with the President's Award as one of the 100 Women Achievers of India. However, she has now decided to renounce the world of beauty and glamour to devote her life entirely to spirituality.
Dressed in the attire of a Sadhvi during the initiation ceremony, Ishika shared her lifelong connection with religion. "I have been inclined toward spirituality since childhood, whether it was meditation or my association with the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji. But now, I feel it is time to completely dedicate myself to religion. Today's youth have the energy and time, and they should use it to connect with spirituality," she said.
On why she chose Jabalpur for her spiritual journey, Ishika explained, "I learned that Shankaracharya Ji was in Jabalpur, and on his advice, I decided to take Guru Diksha here. With his blessings, I have now embarked on this path."
Shankaracharya Swami Sadanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj highlighted the importance of Guru Diksha, stating, "It provides spiritual power and awakens consciousness, guiding people toward a higher purpose."
In her career, Ishika worked in films like Indu Sarkar, the web series Hadh, and various advertisements. She has also anchored sports events. However, she has now turned a new page, embracing a life dedicated to faith and spirituality.