Agra: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Uttar Pradesh government has submitted the report in connection with the stampede during the satsang of Narayan Sakar Hari alias 'Bhole Baba' in Sikandrarao area of Hathras district.
At least 123 people were killed due to the July 2stampede at the satsang where over 2.50 lakh people had gathered, much beyond the permitted limit of 80,000, as per officials.
Sources said that the SIT headed by Additional Director General of Police (Agra Zone) Anupam Kulshrestha submitted the report to the Yogi Adityanath led Uttar Pradesh government on Monday after five days of intensive investigation.
In this, along with recording the statements of all the parties related to the accident, evidence has been collected from the spot and other places. The SIT has also exposed the culprits in its report while looking for answers to all the possible questions. SIT Chairman ADG Anupam Kulshreshtha has confirmed that the report has been sent to the government.
SIT Chairman ADG Agra Zone Anupam Kulsheshtha and his team talked to all the officers and employees related to the accident as well as the family members of the sevadars besides the families of the deceased and the injured devotees. Statements of more than 100 people have been recorded in the report. The SIT has also recorded the statements of DM Ashish Kumar and SP Nipun Agarwal into the incident.
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