Neem Ka Thana:In a bizarre twist in Neem Ka Thana’s Kotwali area in Rajasthan, an ITBP constable, fresh from his wedding vows, decided to test his luck with a dowry demand. Despite being given Rs 5 lakh in cash before the ceremony, the groom reportedly asked for an additional Rs 5 lakh and a bike before the farewell ritual (Vidaai) could commence. The bride, however, wasn’t having any of it and promptly refused to go with him, resulting in a standoff between the two families.
Things escalated quickly, with allegations of misconduct from the groom’s side. Witnesses reported that the groom and his relatives engaged in unruly behavior, allegedly misbehaving with the bride and other women present. With the situation out of control, local police were informed. Circle Inspector Harinarayan Meena confirmed that the police arrested five people, including the groom and his father, for 'disturbing the peace.'