Panaji:Goa aims to attain a 100 per cent literacy rate by December 2025 with the involvement of various communities and local panchayats, Chief Minister Pramod Sawant said on Saturday. As per the 2011 census, Goa's literacy rate is 88.70 per cent. Addressing a webinar on Swayampurna Goa, Sawant said the coastal state will also try to cover all farmers under the Union Government's Kisan Credit Card, Kisan Soil Card, and Kisan Vima Card.
"Goa aims to have a 100 per cent literacy rate by December 19, 2025- the Goa Liberation Day. I appeal to communities and all panchayats to work towards achieving this goal. Not a single person should be left illiterate," he said. Sawant said Kerala claims to have achieved 100 per cent literacy, but "practically it doesn't look like".