Bengaluru: The Karnataka High Court on Monday granted conditional bail to four more accused in the Gauri Lankesh murder case, bringing the total number of accused granted bail to eight out of 18. A single-judge bench headed by Justice S Vishwajit Shetty granted bail in response to the plea filed by the four accused, Bharat Jayavant Kurane (Belagavi), Sudhanva Gondalekar (Satara, Maharashtra), Sujith Kumar (Shikaripura, Shivamogga), and Srikanth Pangarkar (Aurangabad, Maharashtra).
Bail was granted on a personal bond of Rs one lakh rupees each and two sureties. According to the bail order, the accused must be present on all days of the trial unless the trial court grants exemption. The petitioner cannot leave the jurisdiction of the trial court unless the court permits it until the case is disposed of. The court also directed the accused from threatening the prosecution witnesses and asked not to be involved in similar charges again.