New Delhi:Five family members including two kids were charred to death after a devastating fire engulfed the building of their house in the Behta Hajipur village of the Loni border area in Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday night, police said.
Additional police commissioner Dinesh Kumar said five people, including two children, died in the fire. "There were a 7-month-old child, an eight years old child and two women among those who died. Apart from this, a 35-year-old man was also burnt alive. All of them belong to the same family," Kumar said.
The fire was doused and two injured including a woman and a child were admitted to a hospital, Kumar added. Providing information regarding the fire, he said, “Late in the night (June 12), we received information that a fire has broken out in a house in the Loni area and people are trapped. On receiving the information, police and fire brigade reached the spot immediately.”