New Delhi:Multiple social media users shared a video of climate activist Sonam Wangchuk claiming that he was demanding a referendum for Kashmir. In its investigation, the PTI Fact Check Desk found a selected portion of Wangchuk’s interview was taken out of context and shared on social media with misleading claims.
Sonam Wangchuk, a renowned engineer and environmentalist, recently led a 21-day fast in sub-zero temperatures over his demands of statehood for Ladakh and its inclusion in the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution, among others.
A Facebook user shared a video on May 19 of Sonam Wangchuk claiming that he demanded a plebiscite for Kashmir.
The video's caption read: “True colours of Magsaysay Award now coming out...
Dubious Activist Sonam Wangchuk in Leh demanding a plebiscite for Kashmir.
Now, he has become a separatist. The environmentalist was just a mask.”
Here isthe link to the post, and below is a screenshot of the same:
Starting the investigation, the Desk ran the video through InVid Tool Search and found several keyframes. On running one of the keyframes through Google Lens, the Desk found several posts carrying the same video with similar claims.
Three such posts can be viewedhere,here andhere, and their archived versions can be seenhere,here, andhere, respectively.
The video was widely shared on Twitter. Two such posts can be viewedhereandhere, and their archived versions can be foundhere andhere, respectively.
The Desk then conducted a customised Google search with specific keywords and found the complete version of Wangchuk’s interview, whose clip was shared on social media.
Here isthe link to the video and below is a screenshot of the same:
Below is a combination image comparing the visuals of the two videos:
While watching the 15:35-minute video, the Desk found the viral video clip from a 14:50-minute timestamp. In the extended video, Wangchuk discusses the Sixth Schedule and its importance.
At the timestamp of 14:23 minutes, the interviewer asks Sonam about his views on the residents of Kargil who continue to associate strongly with Kashmir, to which he responds, “So this is what I was asking that people can have their views. But if it is of the whole region or population… then we will pray and work hard to ensure it happens. Be it any area in the world… it should be happy; people should be free to go where they want. So that's why you must have heard about referendums and plebiscites. So, if everyone thinks the same, why not in Kashmir?”
It is worth mentioning here that representatives from the Leh Apex Body (LAB) and Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA), which represent the social, political and religious groups of the two areas, have held a series of meetings with a high-powered committee of the Union home ministry over their demands for 6th Schedule implementation, statehood, job reservation, a separate public service commission for Ladakh and two parliamentary seats for Leh and Kargil.
In the next part of its investigation, the Desk scanned Sonam Wangchuk's official social media handles (Twitter and Facebook) and came across a video in which he clarified the viral video.
The caption of the post, dated May 20, 2024, read: “Sad to see my statement being twisted beyond recognition. But I can understand how the doctored version of my video could be misunderstood when taken out of its context. Please spread truth, not lies. Satyamev jayate”