New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has provisionally attached immovable properties worth Rs 52.73 crore located in Navi Mumbai in connection with an alleged money laundering case registered against Monarch Universal Group, the probe agency said on Friday. The Enforcement Directorate initiated an investigation based on multiple FIRs registered by the Maharashtra Police under various sections against Monarch Universal Group, Gopal Amarlal Thakur, Hasmukh Amarlal Thakur and others for allegedly cheating and defrauding genuine flat buyers by collecting money from them for selling flats but did not register the flats in their name, ED official said.
Taking to social media X, ED wrote, “ED, Mumbai has provisionally attached immovable properties worth Rs 52.73 crore located in Navi Mumbai in the case of M/S Monarch Universal Group under the provisions of PMLA 2002. The ED investigation revealed that Gopal Amarlal Thakur diverted and siphoned off huge amounts of investors’ money to its various sister entities and through a complex web of money trail, parked substantial proceeds of crime (PoC) with various builders of Navi Mumbai namely Baba Homes Builders and Developers, Lakhani Builders Private Limited, Monarch Solitaire LLP and others,” ED officials said in a statement.