Delhi: A 14-year-old class nine student from Government Sarvodya Bal Vidyalaya in Shakarpur was allegedly stabbed to death on Friday following an altercation with fellow students outside the school premises. The incident occurred when the victim, a resident of Mandawali in East Delhi, was heading home after an extra class.
East Delhi Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Abhishek Dhania confirmed, "The victim had an altercation with another student from the same school. During the dispute, the accused called his friends, and together they attacked the victim. One of the accused stabbed him in the right thigh, causing a severe injury."
The injured student was rushed to a nearby hospital but succumbed to his injuries during treatment. The police have registered a murder case at Shakarpur police station and launched an investigation. "Seven suspects have been taken into custody, and their roles are being ascertained through interrogation," said the DCP.