New Delhi: In a late night order, Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena on Thursday asked the municipal commissioner to conduct the election to the last vacant seat of the MCD standing committee on Friday. This comes following drama throughout the day with Mayor Shelly Oberoi adjourning the polls until October 5 and Saxena overturning her decision later.
Municipal Commissioner Ashwani Kumar issued an order late at night, saying the lieutenant governor had directed to hold the election of the standing committee member at 1 pm on Friday.
According to the order, Additional Municipal Commissioner Jitender Yadav was appointed as a presiding officer of the MCD House meeting to conduct polls for the committee's sixth seat that fell vacant after BJP leader Kamaljeet Sehrawat was elected as the West Delhi MP.
Following this, Former Delhi Deputy CM and AAP leader Manish Sisodia alleged that the BJP was trying to kill democracy in the Delhi Municipal Corporation by forcing a standing committee member election to take place late in the night, despite adjournment of the House meeting of the civic body.
He said, "Tonight, on the orders of PM Narendra Modi, BJP is killing democracy in the Delhi Municipal Corporation. The election of the standing committee member was to be held in the Delhi Municipal Corporation today. Mayor Shelly Oberoi tried to conduct the election for the Standing Committee but there was uproar in the House and it had to be adjourned. The Mayor adjourned the House till 5 October and decided that now the meeting would be held again on 5 October for the election of the Standing Committee."
Following disruption over frisking of the councillors, the election to the MCD Standing Committee was postponed with the meeting of the House being adjourned till October 5 earlier in the day. In late evening, Saxena, however, overturned the postponement of the elections and directed MCD Commissioner Ashwani Kumar to submit a report by 10 pm.
Saxena instructed to make the deputy mayor the presiding officer for the elections if the mayor refuses to hold the elections. In case, the deputy mayor also refuses, the senior most member of the House will preside over the elections, he ordered.
Till 11 pm, there was uncertainty over the elections and in the last moment, the MCD officials announced the elections were postponed again. In a late-night order, the LG, however, directed the municipal commissioner to hold the election at 1 pm on Friday.