Kolhapur (Maharashtra): In a tragic incident, the body of a 10-year-old girl was found in a field in Maharashtra’s Kolhapur, the police said on Thursday. The incident took place in Shiye village of Ramnagar area of the district, they said. District Superintendent of Police Mahendra Pandit said as per the preliminary report the minor girl was killed by sexual assault. The deceased was the daughter of a Bihari couple, who came for work. The victim's parents lodged a missing complaint with the Shiroli MIDC Police on August 21 afternoon. Based on the complaint, the police with a dog squad launched a search operation and recovered the girl’s body from a field, some distance from her house on Thursday.
Body Of 10-Year-Old Girl Found In Kolhapur, Sexual Assault Suspected
The girl's parents lodged a missing complaint with the Shiroli MIDC Police on August 21. Based on the complaint, the police with a dog squad launched a search operation and recovered the girl’s body from a field.
Published : Aug 22, 2024, 6:28 PM IST
The police examined the CCTV footage of the area showing the minor girl going to the field with an unidentified person. Meanwhile, Kolhapur police detained two suspects in connection with the incident. The Local Crime Investigation Branch and Shiroli MIDC Police in a joint operation started an investigation to nab the accused. The top-ranked officer has visited the spot. The body of the minor girl has been sent for post-mortem. An investigation into the incident is underway to arrest the accused, the police said.
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