New Delhi: Ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, BJP MLA from Jharkhand Jai Prakash Bhai Patel joined the Congress on Wednesday and vowed to strengthen the INDIA bloc. Patel joined the Congress at the party headquarters in the presence of AICC in-charge of Jharkhand Ghulam Ahmad Mir, Jharkhand Congress chief Rajesh Thakur, Jharkhand minister Alamgir Alam and party's media and publicity department head Pawan Khera.
Patel is an MLA from the Mandu assembly constituency that falls under the Hazaribagh Lok Sabha segment. Earlier he had been an MLA of the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha. Patel said he wants to fulfil the dreams his father Tek Lal Mahto, a former MP, had for Jharkhand. He said he was unable to find his father's ideology in the NDA and has now vowed to work to strengthen the INDIA bloc in the state.