Hyderabad: In a major breakthrough in the Rs 93 lakh SBI ATM heist during which the robbers shot dead a security personnel in Karnataka's Bidar, Hyderabad police have identified one of the gang members as Manish from Bihar.
The heist unfolded on Thursday at Shivaji Chowk in Bidar where the armed robbers decamped with Rs 93 lakh cash meant for loading at a SBI ATM. The robbers also fired at two security forces personnel leading to the death of one of them. After carrying out the ATM heist, the robbers later opened fire at a private travels manager at Afzalgunj.
Sources said that Hyderabad Police have identified one of the robbers as Manish, part of a gang, which is involved in multiple thefts and robberies. Police have identified the auto used by the robbers who fled after shooting incidents in Bidar and Afzalganj. The gang, led by Manish, was seen getting out of the auto near Alpha Hotel in Secunderabad before escaping as per police.