Bengaluru: The Amruthahalli police here have arrested an auto-rickshaw driver, on charges of driving vehicle in an inebriated state and misbehaving with a female passenger. The victim encountered a horrifying experience as she had to jump off the moving auto after the driver reportedly took the vehicle in a different direction.
On Thursday night, the woman booked an auto from Horamavu to her home in Thanisandra. The auto driver, identified as Sunil, arrived at the pickup location at around 8.55pm, but surprisingly took his vehicle towards Hebbal instead of dropping the woman at Thanisandra.
The woman noticed that she was going in the wrong way and immediately asked the driver to stop the vehicle. However, the driver, who was allegedly under the influence of alcohol, ignored her request and continued on the wrong route. Apprehending trouble, the woman jumped off the moving vehicle, which left her with minor injuries.
Recovering from the trauma, the woman alerted her husband, who lodged a written complaint with the police through social media platform X. "My wife booked an auto from Horamavu to Thanisandra, Bangalore, but the driver was drunk and took her towards the wrong location near Hebbal. Despite repeatedly asking him to stop, he didn’t listen, forcing her to jump out of the moving auto," mentioned the husband's post.