Kaliganj: Blood spilled on West Bengal's Nadia district as post-pol violence took its toll on a BJP worker, who was allegedly shot dead by 10-11 Trinamool Congress (TMC) cadres before being decapitated at Chandpur village in Nadia district of West Bengal. BJP candidate from Nadia, Amrita Roy alleged Hafizul Sheikh, who had recently joined the BJP, was attacked when he was playing carrom along with his friends.
The deceased's brother Jayen Uddin Mollah said, “My brother had to pay the price of joing the BJP. Our family members were loyal to the CPM but since we joined the saffron party, we received intimidation from TMC men. Cadres of Trinamool Congress came here and shot my brother twice before severing his head and took it away. The killing took place in broad daylight. The TMC goons then went to the house of other BJP workers and bombed their housers."
Condemning the murder, Amrita Roy said, "The brutality with which Hafizul was brutally murdered shows the desperation of the Trinamool Congress government. It was pre-planned murder and clear sign of a revenge killing as he was a booth agent of the BJP. He just joined the party just two months ago."
She termed the murder as 'barbaric' and said Hafizul was killed by TMC goons and the police was aware of the plan.