Firozabad: In a heartwarming story of humanity, a couple-tourist from Australia, who had left behind their iPhone while journeying on a train from Banaras to Tundla, got back their mobile from an official of the Government Railway Police, who personally travelled to Arga to deliver the device.
The incident occurred on Tuesday, November 19, when the Government Railway Police retrieved the mobile from the Tundla-bound train and delivered it to the couple.
Amit Kumar, in charge of Government Railway Tundla Police Station, said, "Duncan Rice, an Australian resident, had come to India with his wife. He was travelling from Banaras to Tundla by train number 12581. While getting down at Tundla, his iPhone 16 Pro model was left behind on the train. We retrieved it and then delivered it safely to them."
After realising their loss, the couple immediately informed the control room and alerted the police. The police then swung into action and devised a plan to retrieve the mobile phone. Kumar said that the Travelling Ticket Examiner (TT) along with police officials found the missing phone on the aforementioned train and then informed the couple.
Kumar called Rice and asked him to come to the Tundla GRP station to collect his mobile. "However, the couple expressed their inability to come over to Tundla owing to some personal commitment. We then decided that the station in-charge himself would travel to Agra and deliver the phone," police said.
Kumar reached the hotel in Tajganj, Agra, where Rice was staying with his wife and handed over the phone to the couple, who were elated after receiving the priced possession.
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