Chennai: The Madras High Court has directed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) comprising three senior women IPS officers to investigate the alleged sexual assault case of a student of Anna University student. The court has also issued strict orders to protect victim’s privacy and ensure justice.
Advocates Varalakshmi and Mohandas had filed a petition in the High Court to transfer the case to the CBI for impartial investigation.
During the hearing, the Tamil Nadu government informed the court that the cybercrime police are investigating the unauthorised leak of the FIR related to the case. Authorities have identified 14 individuals involved in the FIR leak and are working with telecom providers to unearth more details.
Police have confirmed that one accused has been identified so far, and further investigation is underway to ascertain involvement of others.
"After the complaints are registered, the FIR is automatically uploaded on the website. The cybercrime police is investigating how the FIR was leaked in the case, " said the government's counsel.
"14 people have been identified and are being monitored in the FIR leak issue. Specific information has been sought from the telecom firm(s). The Commissioner of Police said that in the preliminary investigation there was only one accused. Only after probe, it will be known who else is involved," he said.
Speaking about the December 23 sexual assault case, the lawyer appearing on behalf of Anna University said, "A committee has been formed to prevent such incidents in the future. Steps have been taken to provide counseling to the students and their parents. Police have also assured to heighten security."