Ahmedabad: An eight-year-old girl passed away in her school in the Thaltej area of Ahmedabad on Friday. The incident took place in the morning hours when the girl Gargi, studying in class 3 at the Zebar School For Children, complained of chest pain after arriving at the school. School authorities said that the girl collapsed on a chair and despite efforts to treat her, she died shortly after reaching the hospital.
Sharmistha Sinha, the principal of the school said, "CCTV footage shows Gargi experiencing discomfort soon after she arrived at school. As her condition worsened, she sat down on a chair, seemingly struggling with difficulty in breathing. School staff and teachers immediately responded by providing first aid and contacted the 108 ambulance service."
She added, "The ambulance arrived late and the school staff, in an urgent move, transported her to the nearby Zydus Hospital in a school vehicle."