Shimla:A crypto currency scam amounting to Rs 2,000 crore has surfaced in Himachal Pradesh in which, 20 cases have been registered and 89 accused arrested. Of the total amount duped, money has been returned to six victims. This has been revealed in the monsoon session of Himachal Pradesh Assembly.
On Thursday, Congress MLA Kewal Singh Pathania inquired about the crypto currency scam in the House, asking as to what action has been taken in connection with the scam in the last three years.
In a written reply on behalf of Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, it has been told that this scam amounts to Rs 20 billion (Rs 2000 crore).
The issue of crypto currency scam was first raised by Hoshiar Singh, an independent MLA and later, the state government had formed a committee.