Paris (France):Manu Bhaker made history on Tuesday by becoming the first Indian player to win multiple medals in a single edition of the Olympic Games. Earlier, she won a bronze in the 10m Air Pistol and followed her brilliant performance with another bronze in 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team event on Tuesday. The bronze from the 22-year old in the individual event at the Chateauroux Range also marked a significant achievement as she became the first Indian woman to win a medal in shooting.
Before her, British-Indian athlete Norman Pritchard had won two silver medals in 200m sprint and 200m hurdles at the 1900 Olympics but that achievement had come in the pre-Independence era.
Bhaker's victory hold a special significance as she suffered due to a pistol malfunction in Tokyo when she was considered to be one of the medal contenders from India. Manu also became the second Indian woman after PV Sindhu to win two Olympic medals.
The pair of Manu and Sarabjot had a shaky start in the round 1 of the final of the 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team event as they hit 18.8 while the opposition pair scored 20.5. The Indian duo amassed 21.2 in the second round while Korean pair hit 19.9. India would then make the lead 6-2 by continuing their winning momentum. It was a see-saw battle afterwards with both teams fighting it out fiercely. India extended their lead to 14-6 and needed to win just one more series to claim the medal. But, the Korean pair won next couple of series hinting at a comeback but Sarbajot's shot of 10.2 in the 13th series nipped the possibility in the bud.