Hyderabad:April Fools' Day is celebrated every year on April 1.On this occasion, people come up with hilarious ideas to surprise their loved ones or friends and then reveal in the end that it was all fake mainly, said or done to mark the occasion. April Fools' Day has been celebrated by various cultures through the centuries.
Why is April Fools’ Day celebrated on April 1?: There are several stories and theories regarding the origin of April Fools' Day, but according to the most common story, the origin of the day can be traced back to the late 16th century.
At that time, Pope Gregory XIII proposed the implementation of the Gregorian calendar, with January 1 as the start of the year, which replaced the tradition of celebrating the New Year at the end of March.
However, some people were unaware of the change, and they continued to observe New Year's Day on April 1, thus, they were ridiculed and mocked by others. Those who celebrated New Year’s Day on April 1 were labelled as 'fools'. That's how the tradition of celebrating April Fools’ Day on the first day of April came into being.
How do people celebrate April Fools' Day all around the globe?: Although it is celebrated across all the nations worldwide, it's not a bank holiday. Moreover, in France, it is customary for children to play pranks on their friends by attaching a paper fish to their backs on April Fools' Day.
In Scotland, the festivities extend to two days, with the second day, known as Taily Day, being reserved for pranks involving the posterior. This practice is believed to have given rise to the "kick me" sign.
Since 1986, New York in United States of America has been releasing phony press releases for a non-existent April Fools' Day Parade every year. In Canada and England, it is customary to stop playing pranks after noon on April Fools' Day.
When did the celebration of 'April Fool's Day' start in India?: According to media reports, the British started April Fool's celebration in India in the 19th century. Even after that, people here still have fun on this day.
In countries like Australia, New Zealand, England and Africa, April Fool's Day is celebrated only till 12 midnight. However, in Canada, America, Russia and other European countries, April Fool's Day is celebrated all day long on April 1.
Noted Foolery/ Memorable Pranks: Newspapers, television, radio, and social media have had their fun on April Fools' Day. Check out all this April 1 foolishness:
Times of London reported in 1992 that Belgium was negotiating to join Holland. The Evening Star of Islington advertised in 1864 a display of donkeys at the Agricultural Hall the next day. Those who arrived early soon realised who the donkeys on display really were.
In 1950, The Progress in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, published a picture of a UFO flying over the town. Claiming to have "scooped" larger publications of the first-ever published picture of a real flying saucer.
April Fool's Day – Significance: April Fools' Day is celebrated across the globe. Though it is one of the days when people get away with almost anything, it is advisable to not go overboard with jokes, as it can hurt someone's sentiments. April Fools' Day is a time to have fun with your friends by doing pranks that they will enjoy.
April Fool's Day controversy: April Fool's Day fans say it encourages fun and laughter, and one study found that it reduces stress and therefore could be good for your heart. Some people, on the other hand, point out that it can have negative consequences, like confusion, worry or wasting time and resources.
For example, a spokesperson for Dublin Zoo said staff had 'lost their sense of humour' after they received more than 100,000 calls asking for invented names such as Mr C Lyons, Anna Conda and G Raffe. The callers were victims of a phone hoax, who contacted the zoo after receiving a text message encouraging them to make the call.
In the era of 'fake news' it's often hard on a normal day of the year to work out when we're being tricked into believing something that isn't true, but on April Fool's Day you need to be even more alert. No one knows exactly how the tradition started, but there are plenty of people who enjoy this light-hearted day and are happy to keep the tradition alive.