Mattering, the word we all have been using almost every day about things that matter to us or people around us. However, it has a deeper meaning than just about things that matter to us. It is more about ourselves, who matter. Noted psychologist and an author of The Psychology of Mattering: Understanding the Human Need to be Significant, Gordon Flett explains mattering as the profound sense of significance and value one feels within their social circles and community. "It's the personal belief of being acknowledged and appreciated by others. When an individual experiences a sense of mattering, they feel important, seen, and heard," explains Flett. On the other hand, a lack of mattering can lead to low self-esteem and adverse effects on mental well-being. This feeling of mattering is closely tied to one's sense of purpose and belonging, ultimately contributing to their overall health and well-being.
How to build and strengthen the notion of 'mattering'?
Building and strengthening the sense of mattering can be achieved through various strategies. Some of them are:
- Healthy Habits: Positive behaviours such as daily exercise, meditation, or volunteering can elevate one's self-worth and esteem. For instance, research from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) indicates that regular physical activity can have a positive impact on mental health, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.
- Nurturing Relationships: Expressing gratitude and appreciation within relationships reinforces the feeling of mattering to loved ones. Studies show that strong social connections are associated with increased happiness and well-being. On the flip side, if a relationship lacks reciprocity and appreciation, it might be advisable to consider its impact on one's well-being.
- Volunteer Work:Volunteering for causes one is passionate about can significantly boost the sense of mattering. Research from the Corporation for National and Community Service highlights the positive effects of volunteering on mental health. Just one hour of volunteering a week can lead to increased satisfaction and a sense of value within the community.
- Self-Compassion: Practicing self-compassion is essential. Despite occasional feelings of being undervalued by certain individuals or groups, it's crucial not to let these thoughts define one's self-worth. Focus on moments when your contributions were genuinely appreciated, as gratitude can reinforce your sense of mattering. Research from the University of California, Berkeley, has shown that self-compassion is linked to greater psychological well-being.
Why 'mattering' matters for wholistic wellbeing?
Feeling valued by those around you significantly impacts your holistic well-being, especially your mental health. Extensive evidence shows that a sense of mattering is a fundamental component of one's self-concept. Studies from the University of Rochester suggest that individuals who believe they matter to their communities experience higher levels of happiness, better health, and improved interpersonal relationships. "This sense of mattering also enhances resilience, aiding in the effective management of stress and anxiety," says Poddar. Furthermore, feeling secure in your significance fosters self-compassion and bolsters both your self-belief and your relationships.
On the contrary, a lack of mattering has been linked to severe consequences: