Himmatnagar:An eight-year-old boy from Gujarat’s Sabarkantha district has contracted human metapneumovirus infection, taking the number of HMPV cases in the state to three, an official said on Friday. The boy, who belongs to a family of farm labourers from Prantij taluka, was found positive for HMPV in a test run by a private laboratory but health authorities had sent his blood samples to a government lab for confirmation, he said.
The child, who is currently admitted to a private hospital in Himmatnagar town, had been considered a suspected HMPV case until now. “The government lab on Friday confirmed that the boy is infected with HMPV. He is currently under treatment and his condition is stable,” said Sabarkantha District Collector Ratankanvar Gadhavicharan. Doctors at the hospital told reporters that the boy was on a ventilator.