Hyderabad: Actor Ileana D'Cruz took to her social media handle to celebrate her husband Michael Dolan's birthday with a heartfelt and romantic post. On September 13, the actor shared a couple of Instagram stories that showcased her deep affection for Dolan, whom she affectionately referred to as 'babycakes.'
In her first Instagram post, D'Cruz shared a monochrome selfie of themselves, captured in a car. In the picture, the actor can be seen resting her head on Dolan's shoulder, a gesture that speaks of their close bond. The accompanying caption read, "Happy birthday babycakes" along with a sparkle emoji.
The second story featured a lively video clip of Dolan playing around in a pool, where he struck goofy poses while Ileana recorded the moment. Her caption for this post was equally affectionate with her writing: "You make everything better," followed by a red heart and sparkle emoji, and "I love you" with smiling and red-heart emojis. Johnny Stimson's track "Honeymoon," was added in the background of the post, which only elevated the romantic quotient.