Hyderabad:The teaser for Sidharth Malhotra's upcoming movie, Yodha, was released by the makers on Monday. Following his roles in Shershaah and Indian Police Force, Sidharth Malhotra is gearing up once again to portray a character in uniform in the movie Yodha, which is backed by Karan Johar. Directed by Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha, the film features Sidharth as a soldier on a mission to thwart hijackers.
Yodha teaser suggests that the movie will be packed with action and patriotism. This sneak peek into the film has heightened anticipation for Sidharth's next project. Yodha is centered around terrorists hijacking a passenger plane, and it follows an off-duty soldier portrayed by Sidharth as he strategises to defeat the hijackers and ensure the passengers' safety when the engine fails.
Sidharth previously expressed his thoughts on Yodha, stating, "As an artist, you always seek scripts that allow you to shine. This project has revealed a new side of me, for which I am deeply grateful. The overwhelming love from audiences and fans is truly magical. I am eager to unveil what Yodha has in store for them."