Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar is celebrating a proud family moment as his niece, Simar Bhatia, gears up to make her Bollywood debut. Simar, the daughter of Akshay's sister, Alka Bhatia, is set to star opposite Agastya Nanda, grandson of Amitabh Bachchan, in the upcoming film Ikkis. Directed by Sriram Raghavan, the film tells the story of Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal, a Param Vir Chakra awardee who displayed unparalleled bravery during the 1971 Indo-Pak war.
Simar's entry into the film industry is a joy for the Bhatia family. Akshay Kumar took to social media to share his happiness, posting a newspaper clipping featuring Simar and other debutants of 2025. Sharing the post, he penned a heartfelt note reminiscing about his own journey in Bollywood. "I remember the first time I saw my photo on the cover of the newspaper. I thought that's the ultimate happiness. But today I know the happiness of seeing your child’s photo here beats everything," he wrote.
Akshay also expressed how much this moment would have meant to his late mother, Aruna Bhatia. "I wish my mom was here today and she would have said 'Simar puttar Tu tah Kamaal hai'. Bless you my baby @simarbhatia18 , the sky is yours," he added.
Simar reshared Akshay's post on her Instagram Story, responding with affection and referencing his upcoming film, Sky Force. She wrote, "That's because you're protecting the skies #SkyForce. Love you (followed by a red heart emoji)."