Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, in addition to his acting career, has a deep passion for reading books. The actor 58-year-old actor shared a glimpse of his library and discussed some of his favourite books, including a surprising mention of Fifty Shades Of Grey by EL James. In a video shared by Liberty Books, SRK revealed that he has been trying to read the famous novel for quite some time.
"There is going to be a day that I'll read this book fully," said the actor. He explained that he first got several copies of Fifty Shades Of Grey while shooting for Jab Tak Hai Jaan in London alongside Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif. Though he hadn't finished reading it, he stated, "I saw the movie. I liked that a lot actually. A lot of people might disagree. But I liked the movie. I thought it was quite interesting to put together. And the book I still need to read. And then the second part is out now. So I have to read these."
Shifting the focus to other books that have impacted his life, Shah Rukh Khan discussed his admiration for Malcolm Gladwell's Blink. While it's been some time since he read the book, he recounted its message about competition. "I think it was about how in competition the guy who blinks first is the one who's going to go down. It's a very aggressive thing to say, but there's this talk about taking any business, anything that you love, and making it a success," he stated.