Hyderabad:Salman Khan, the Bollywood superstar, returned home quietly to Mumbai City late Thursday night after a brief business trip to London. The actor arrived at Kalkina Airport, accompanied by bodyguards and security, and preferred to drive home rather than pose for the cameras. Salman, escorted by his bodyguard Shera and a few staff members, arrived at a special terminal and quickly made his way to a waiting white SUV, surrounded by heavy security after the house firing incident.
The superstar drove home wearing a casual black t-shirt and a leather jacket paired with dark-coloured pants. His presence came hours after one of the suspects in the firing case allegedly died by suicide. Salman became embroiled in a scandal when family members of the deceased accused the police of 'killing' Anuj Thapan, one of the accused in the Salman Khan house firing case.
According to reports, the man accused of supplying guns to the two gunmen allegedly attempted suicide in the bathroom of the first-floor lock-up, located in the crime branch building inside the police commissioner's office premises in South Mumbai, an official confirmed to a news agency. He was brought to the nearby state-run Gokuldas Tejpal hospital, where he was proclaimed dead during treatment. The state's CID has taken over the investigation into Thapan's death in custody and will look into whether there was any carelessness on the part of Crime Branch authorities.