Mumbai:Maharashtra Chief Minister, Eknath Shinde, made a personal visit to Salman Khan's residence in Galaxy Apartments following a concerning incident where shots were fired outside Salman's house in Bandra. This visit came after Shinde had been in regular contact with Salman, expressing support and arranging for increased security measures in light of the incident.
Addressing the media post his meeting with Salman, CM Eknath Shinde affirmed, "I've assured Salman Khan of the government's support and instructed the police to act swiftly. Two suspects have already been apprehended."
Shinde also said he has instructed the Mumbai Police commissioner to beef up security cover for Khan and his family members.
Prior to his visit, Shinde had conversed with Salman over the phone, assuring him of the government's commitment to his safety. Shinde also took proactive steps by discussing the matter with the Mumbai Police Commissioner, advocating for enhanced security arrangements for the superstar.
Meanwhile, the two individuals, Vicky Gupta (24) and Sagar Pal (21), suspected of carrying out the shooting were apprehended by the Kutch Police. Following their arrest, they were transferred to the custody of the Mumbai Crime Branch. A city court subsequently remanded the suspects to custody until April 25, pending further investigation into the shooting incident.
It's noteworthy that Salman Khan's security had been escalated to Y-Plus status since November 2022 due to previous threats from gangs associated with Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar. In addition to increased security personnel, Salman had also been permitted to carry a personal firearm and had acquired an armored vehicle for added protection.
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