Mumbai:After a 105-day journey in the Bigg Boss 17 house, stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui emerged as the winner, clinching the coveted trophy, cash prize of Rs 50 lakh and a brand new car. Post Bigg Boss 17 grand finale, Munawar expressed gratitude towards his dedicated fanbase, acknowledging their pivotal role in his victory. In a poignant moment, he also opened up emotionally about his late mother.
Throughout Bigg Boss 17, Munawar's charisma and poetic prowess, showcased through his shayaris, garnered widespread attention, elevating him to the status of one of the season's strong and most popular contestants. Reflecting on his journey during a media interaction after the win, Munawar couldn't hold back his feelings as he remembered his mother, who tragically took her own life when he was just 13 years old.
Responding in Hindi when asked about how his mother would have felt witnessing his success, the 32-year-old artist shared, "Maa ki dua mujhe hamesha lagti hai. Stage pe kehna chata tha par nahi keh paya." Overflowing with joy, he then delivered a heartfelt shayari, capturing the essence of his journey and acknowledging the support he received, bringing cheers and applause from those present.