Hyderabad:Murder in Mahim, directed by Raj Acharya, is a social commentary that delves into a terrifying murder investigation and the underbelly of Mumbai, focusing on the reconciliation of a lost relationship between Peter (Ashutosh Rana) and Jende (Vijay Raaz). Talking about the series, Ashutosh Rana revealed to a news agency that the project is a murder mystery. It contains a variety of components, including suspense, drama, emotions, and criminality. In the series, he portrays Peter Fernandes, a retired journalist.
Bollywood actor Ashutosh Rana in an exclusive interview with a news agency talked about his upcoming web series Murder in Mahim. In the interview, Ashutosh stated, "The audience will see strength in this character, not power. Our director has masterfully handled difficult passages in the film." Rana, who portrays the role of a retired journalist, discusses his character's journalistic approach to unravelling the suspense while highlighting strength over power in his character.