Hyderabad: Allu Arjun, the popular Telugu actor known for his role in the Pushpa franchise, has been sent to 14 days of judicial custody in connection with the tragic stampede incident at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. The incident, which occurred on December 4, led to the death of 35-year-old Revathi and left her eight-year-old son critically injured. Despite the defense's efforts, the Nampally court remanded Allu Arjun to judicial custody until December 27.
The actor was taken into custody by the police on December 13 under tight security from his residence and transported to the Chikkadpally police station. This arrest came after a case was filed by the family of the deceased, accusing Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management of negligence that contributed to the fatal stampede. The charges filed against the actor are under sections 105 and 118(1) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), based on the complaint from Revathi's husband, Bhaskar.
Allu Arjun Sent to 14-Day Judicial Custody Over Sandhya Theatre Stampede Incident (Video: ETV Bharat) However, Bhaskar later expressed his intention to withdraw the case, stating that he had not been aware of the arrest and that Allu Arjun had no direct involvement in the stampede that led to his wife's tragic death. Allu Arjun's counsel argued that the case against the actor was flawed, citing previous legal precedents where similar cases were dismissed. Advocate Niranjan Reddy, representing Allu Arjun, mentioned that the situation was comparable to incidents involving other celebrities, including Shah Rukh Khan, and highlighted that unrelated cases were wrongly applied to the actor.
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